John Dominis

John Dominis is a unique photographer joining a larger group of photojournalists featured in GALLERY M's 2008 "Leaders and Their Followers" selling exhibition - a show related to Denver's Democratic National Convention. His military background along with an education focused his eye for transforming events that ultimately found their way to LIFE magazine and the American public. Historic events often included Dominis as a witness. He was present when President Kennedy gave his "I am a donut speech" at the Berlin Wall. Dominis covered the Olympic games and ultimately went on to become a photo editor at People Magazine following those at LIFE, like his colleague John Loengard. His achievements include receiving the 1963 first prize from the White House News Photographers' Association under the general portfolio category. In 1966 Dominis received an honorable award from the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. Collectors have found his work inspiring, revitalizing to their home and business environments and also an interesting addition to their Fine Art Photography collection.
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